Peer Support

What is Peer Support?

A Certified Peer Support Specialist (CPRS) is someone with lived experience who is in recovery from a mental health condition, substance use disorder or both. They provide support to others experiencing similar challenges. They provide non-clinical, strength‐based support and are “experientially credentialed” by their own recovery journey.

What does a CPRS do?

Peer support encompasses a range of activities and interactions between people who share similar experiences of being diagnosed with mental health conditions, substance use disorders or both. This mutuality is often called “peerness” between a peer support worker and person in or seeking recovery promotes connection and inspires hope. Peer support offers a level of acceptance, understanding, and validation not found in many other professional relationships. By sharing their own lived experience and practical guidance, peer support workers help people to develop their own goals, create strategies for self‐empowerment, and take concrete steps towards building fulfilling, self-determined lives for themselves.

If you are interested in Peer Support, please submit a referral!